Otherworld 2023: Upside Down
This year we were successfully awarded three art grants from Kindle Arts.
1. Big Prick Energy 2.0 - Aka: BPE. A 9ft tall fire poofer shaped like a cactus.
2. Go Ask Alice When She's 10ft Tall - Aka: Alice. A modular shade structure.
3. 'Ol Spit Shine. A refurbishment grant for all the small pieces in the camp.
Our projected camp size is 35-40 people.
For a fundraiser this year, we created merch and collaborated with McOwls to create customized Salon Saloon bolos.
Overpacking? Never her of her. Checkout our great resources below:
Below is the preliminary camp map, and the site map.
Our neighbourhood is somewhere in the green circle. We will make sure to update y'all when we have the accurate info. Once we have a better idea of the shape and location of our placement site, we can revise the camp map.